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- Category: CyberSecurity
Phishing attacks use fraudulent emails, text messages, phone calls or websites to trick people into sharing sensitive data, downloading malware or otherwise exposing themselves to cybercrime.
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- Category: CyberSecurity
The following best practices and technologies can help your organization implement strong cybersecurity that reduces your vulnerability to cyberattacks and protects your critical information systems without intruding on the user or customer experience.
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- Category: CyberSecurity
Despite an ever-increasing volume of cybersecurity incidents worldwide and ever-increasing volumes of learnings that are gleaned from them, some dangerous misconceptions persist.
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- Category: CyberSecurity
Malware—short for "malicious software"—is any software code or computer program that is written intentionally to harm a computer system or its users. Almost every modern cyberattack involves some type of malware.
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- Category: CyberSecurity
A strong cybersecurity strategy protects all relevant IT infrastructure layers or domains against cyberthreats and cybercrime.
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- Category: CyberSecurity
Cybersecurity refers to any technology, measure or practice for preventing cyberattacks or mitigating their impact.